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Whats your Favorite Stage in every Sonic game you have played/owned?


Author Topic: Whats your Favorite Stage in every Sonic game you have played/owned?  (Read 66089 times)

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Offline bertin

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Sonic 1: Labyrinth Zone
Sonic 2: Metropolis Zone
Sonic 3: Launch Base Zone
Sonic & Knuckles: Lava Reef Zone
Sonic Adventure: Final Egg
Sonic Adventure 2: Aquatic Mine
Shadow The Hedgehog:
Sonic Heroes: Frog Forest
Sonic CD: Metallic Madness
Sonic 1 GG: Scrap Brain
Sonic 2 GG: Crystal Egg
Sonic Chaos: Electric Egg
Sonic Triple Trouble: Robotnik Winter
Sonic Labyrinth: 2-2
Sonic R: Reactive Factory
Sonic 06: White Acropolis
Sonic Rivals: Crystal Mountain
Sonic Advance: Ice Mountain
Sonic Advance 2: Sky Canyon
Sonic Advance 3: Twinkle Snow
Sonic Battle: Holy Summit
Sonic 3D Blast: Diamond Dust
Sonic And The Secret Rings: Evil Foundry
Sonic Drift: Labyrinth
Sonic Drift 2: Mystic Cave
Sonic Riders: Red Canyon
Sonic The Fighters: Death Egg's Eye
Sonic Rush: Altitude Limit
Sonic Rush Adventure: Blizzard Peaks
« Last Edit: November 26, 2007, 08:18:04 pm by bertin »

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Re: Whats your Favorite Stage in every Sonic game you have played/owned?
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2007, 07:31:27 pm »
Sonic 1: Star Light
Sonic 2: Chemical Plant
Sonic CD: Stardust Speedway
Sonic 3:Ice Cap
Sonic & Knuckles: Sky Sanctuary
Knuckles Chaotix: Speed Slider
Sonic Adventure DX: Hmm either Wndy Valley or Twinkle Park
Sonic Adventure 2 Battle: Metal Harbor
Sonic Advance 1: Angel Island act 2
Sonic Advance 2: Hot Crater (Fast)
Sonic Advance 3: Chaos Angel
Sonic R: Radical City
Sonic the Fighters: Death Egg's Eye
Sonic Battle: Umm Green Hill?
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Re: Whats your Favorite Stage in every Sonic game you have played/owned?
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2007, 07:53:00 pm »
Sonic the Hedgehog: Labyrinth Zone
Sonic the Hedgehog Master System: Jungle
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 Master System: Aqua Lake Zone
Sonic the Hedgehog 2: Wing Fortress Zone
Sega Sonic the Hedgehog: Wild Water Way
Sonic the Hedgehog CD: Wacky Workbench
Sonic & Tails: Sleeping Egg Zone
Sonic the Hedgehog Spinball: Toxic Caves
Sonic the Hedgehog 3: Marble Garden Zone
Sonic & Knuckles: Sandopolis Zone
Sonic & Tails 2: Tidal Plant
Knuckles' Chaotix: Botanic Base
Sonic 3D Blast: Rusty Ruin Zone
Sonic R: Regal Ruin
Sonic Adventure: Sky Deck
Sonic Adventure 2: Cannon's Core
Sonic Advance: Egg Rocket Zone
Sonic Advance 2: Techno Base
Sonic Battle: Metal Depot
Sonic Heroes: Bingo Highway
Sonic Advance 3: Chaos Angel
Sonic Rush: Dead Line
Shadow the Hedgehog: Cosmic Fall
Sonic Riders: Digital Dimension
Sonic and the Secret Rings: Night Palace
Sonic Rush Adventure: Sky Babylon
Sonic Riders 2 Zero Gravity: Astral Babylon
« Last Edit: March 07, 2008, 12:26:27 pm by Stardust Speedman »
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Offline eggFL

Re: Whats your Favorite Stage in every Sonic game you have played/owned?
« Reply #3 on: November 26, 2007, 08:45:25 pm »
Sonic 1: anything but Marble zone. good grief! But hmm. I guess my only choices are Scrap Brain and Star Light. Scrap Brain it is! (that stage just has more gameplay substance)
Sonic 2: CHEMICAL PLANET *dances*
Sonic 3: Ice Cap is obvious but Carnival Night is also pretty bad (as in good)
Sonic & Knuckles: Lava Reef
Sonic CD: this game has only one stage - Stardust Speedway
Knuckles Chaotix: oh my god, hell yes, Botanic Base
Sonic 3D Blast: I should say Rusty Ruin solely because I used the music for my SonicDIY stage. Plus this stage has neat music even if you play in the Saturn version.
Sonic R: it's all between Radical City and Reactive Factory. I pick Radical City
Sonic Adventure: Here's the thing -- this game doesn't have any great stages. I say Casinopolis because the ducts segment is the only thing that stands out.
Sonic Adventure 2: Pyramid Cave!
Sonic Rush: a sonic game... without any stages. That was a great idea, wasn't it.
Sonic Riders: Ice Factory. one of my favorite aspects is the lane dividers.. IN A FACTORY. But anyway there is a lot to like about this stage, some of the craziest shortcuts, a lot of skill, some wide areas, the cool winding final section, and the giant fan which is sweet, with the awesome super-fast grind rail.
Sonic Heroes: between Hang Castle, Rail Canyon, or Bullet Station.. I say Hang Castle. I have said once before, I'll say it again, the dialogue in-game makes it good. Plus, brilliant music (not to the mention the awesome idea of having the music change) and castles + ghosts = win, no exceptions
Shadow the Hedgehog: Westopolis vs. Lethal Highway. I forgot why I decided it was Westopolis, but it might be because it's more of a true city stage and not a highway. Plus there is so much going on in that stage, it's one of the fastest, and it is the most fun to time attack in the whole game.
Sonic06: See, this game actually has lots of good choices. Anyway, I say Radical Train. Sheer innovation, man.

Sonic Adventure 2: Aquatic Mine

props for picking a Knuckles stage. I like that one, too!

Sonic & Knuckles: Sandopolis Zone
Sonic Riders: Digital Dimension

good choices

Not only are those great stages, but they remind me of Yugioh. Coincidence? Let's say no.

Offline X-5

Re: Whats your Favorite Stage in every Sonic game you have played/owned?
« Reply #4 on: November 26, 2007, 09:03:32 pm »
its amazing how many sonic games you have played bertin, like 10 times as many as me.

this topic has been done before and i think i posted in it but its a cool question so i dont mind seeing it again..

Sonic1: Star Light, always loved da calm music here.. its just cool and puts you in a certain kinda mood i dunno how to explain it.

Sonic 2: Casino Night, cool music, fun to get knocked around everywhere. I swear though putting serious time attack effort into this level would EASILY drive me insane, so i will definitely stick to fun-plays only here, cuz I could easily ruin it.

Sonic 3: No level really stands out :/  edit 5 mins later: oh yeah I like snow, so ice cap is pretty cool and definitely like it the best.

S3K: Doomsday, come on its just totally awesome busting through all the rocks being invincible combined with cool sounding music

SADX:I love how fast and fun speed highway is if you take the long route, especially so on DC, where it seems much faster cause of the frame rate differences.

SA2B: time for a big shocker, my favorite level is city escape, and has been since 2001..thats more than likely why time attacking it 1-thousand times was sooo easy(non frustrating/boring) for me hehe. and i don't think there is a single person on earth who dislikes the music, cause I have never known 1 person online or in life that has!

SH: Frog forest is cool here, cause frogs are cool, and the stage had alot of cool features in it.

Sonic 3D: Green grove, since its the only level I know how to beat without gettin lost :(

Hidden rings: when I was playing through this bs game I disliked sand oasis just a little bit less than the rest of the levels, cause the beginning reminded me of city escape lmao


Offline P.P.A.

Re: Whats your Favorite Stage in every Sonic game you have played/owned?
« Reply #5 on: November 27, 2007, 06:41:53 am »
Sonic 1: Spring Yard Zone, Star Light Zone
Sonic 2: Casino Night Zone
Sonic 3: Hydrocity Zone
Sonic & Knuckles: Lava Reef Zone, Mushroom Hill Zone
Sonic CD: Stardust Speedway (all), Quartz Quadrant (present, good future), Tidal Tempest (present)

Sonic R: Radical City (without the glitch), Reactive Factory

Sonic 1 (8-bit): Green Hill Zone
Sonic 2 (8-bit): Green Hills Zone
Sonic Chaos: Aqua Planet, Gigalopolis
Sonic Triple Trouble: Meta Junglira

Sonic Adventure (DX): Speed Highway (Sonic, Tails), all of E-102 Gamma's stages
Sonic Adventure 2 (Battle): Chao World Pyramid Cave, Mission Street, City Escape
Sonic Heroes: Grand Metropolis, Casino Park
Shadow the Hedgehog: Air Fleet, Circus Park
SONIC THE HEDGEHOG 06: Flame Core (Sonic, Shadow), Tropical Jungle (Sonic, Rouge, Blaze), Kingdom Valley (Sonic, Shadow)
Sonic Riders: Night Chase, but I haven't unlocked the secret courses yet.

Sonic Advance: Casino Paradise Zone
Sonic Advance 2: Music Plant, Ice Paradise
Sonic Advance 3: (Altar Emerald), Sunset Hill, Ocean Base
Sonic Pinball Party: Sonic table - Casino Paradise
Sonic Battle: Green Hill

Games not on the list:
[Game Gear games] Haven't played them enough.
Sonic 3D Flickies' Island: Can't be bothered to play the MD version. But I will soon buy the Saturn one, after which I will be able to comment.
SPA, Knuckles' Chaotix: Only ever played them on an emulator, so I can't comment. I do not plan to buy SPA, but will get a 32X and Chaotix some time, then I'll comment.
Fighters: I simply don't know yet.
[all the others] Don't have them yet.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2008, 04:09:53 am by P.P.A. »

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Re: Whats your Favorite Stage in every Sonic game you have played/owned?
« Reply #6 on: November 27, 2007, 09:06:05 am »
Sonic 1: Spring Yard
Sonic 2: Casino Night
Sonic 3: Carnival Night
Sonic & Knuckles: Death Egg
Sonic Adventure: Lost World
Sonic Advance: Ice Mountain
Sonic Adventure 2: City Escape
Sonic Advance 2: Hot Crater
Sonic Heroes: Grand Metropolis
Sonic Rush: Night Carnival
Sonic the Hedgehog: Kingdom Valley
Sonic Unleashed 360/PS3: Cool Edge
« Last Edit: December 17, 2009, 09:54:22 am by Jawzun »
still can't believe what I did in 2007

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Re: Whats your Favorite Stage in every Sonic game you have played/owned?
« Reply #7 on: November 27, 2007, 09:16:13 am »
Sonic Adventure DX: Casinopolis
Sonic Adventure 2: Metal Harbor
Sonic Heroes: Hang Castle

I dont know of more games..., I dont play anymore..
Good bye for now Sonic =(

Offline JBertolli

Re: Whats your Favorite Stage in every Sonic game you have played/owned?
« Reply #8 on: November 27, 2007, 05:27:00 pm »
Sonic 1: Spring Yard - I liked this level that one time I played it until I got to the boss of course >_>

Sonic 2: uhh, don't remember any levels

Sonic 3: Angel Island

Sonic Adventure: Lost World

Sonic Adventure 2: Meteor Herd

Sonic Heroes: Egg Fleet <-- super stage :D

Sonic Riders: White Jungle (or whatever it was called, it was the second jungle level)

Offline eggFL

Re: Whats your Favorite Stage in every Sonic game you have played/owned?
« Reply #9 on: November 27, 2007, 06:00:35 pm »
Frog Forest got chosen twice already huh. It's pretty pretty, the music is.. ok. Music is different, I'll give it that. The frogs are annoying to me though, same with the flower ride, and the miracle vine is just confusing, gotta hate falling off it from going too fast.

Sonic Riders: White Jungle (or whatever it was called, it was the second jungle level)

White Cave!

SPA, Knuckles' Chaotix: Only ever played them on an emulator, so I can't comment.

I commented anyway. (for Chaotix)

Incidentally, I have owned SPA at one point... but I only vaguely remember the stages. Plus it's just a NGPC game and most of the stages are taken from other games so I have no reason to choose a favorite.

Offline ieatatsonic

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Re: Whats your Favorite Stage in every Sonic game you have played/owned?
« Reply #10 on: November 27, 2007, 06:46:54 pm »
I only have two.

SA2: Cannons Core!!!

Why? because it has all the character elements, plus it's in my favorite sonic game. This is a remarkable level, and there should be more like it.

The other is Sega carnival from Sonic riders. It combines elements from many sega games I like(Billy hatcher, Super monkey ball, etc.).
« Last Edit: November 29, 2007, 09:48:09 pm by ieatatsonic »
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Offline Stefan

Re: Whats your Favorite Stage in every Sonic game you have played/owned?
« Reply #11 on: November 27, 2007, 07:51:45 pm »
Sonic 1: Star light, man. the music is too freaking great.
Sonic 2: nothing says a good time like a fun little hill top run.
sonic 3: casino night or hydrocity.
s3&k: i haven't played ti much, but flying battery.
sadv: don't remember lol. :(
SADX: er, probably speed highway? it's so speedy, man!
SA2: gotta be crazy gadget. it rocks. hard.
SSR: pirate storm. no questions asked.

Offline Antronach

Re: Whats your Favorite Stage in every Sonic game you have played/owned?
« Reply #12 on: November 27, 2007, 08:18:16 pm »
Sonic 1: Star Light Zone
Sonic 2: Mystic Cave Zone
Sonic 3: Hydrocity Zone
Sonic & Knuckles: Sandopolis Zone
Sonic Adventure: Casinopolis
Sonic Adventure 2: Chao World ^_^
Shadow The Hedgehog: Westopolis
Sonic Heroes: Mystic Mansion
Sonic CD: Collision Chaos
Sonic Triple Trouble: Sunset Park
Sonic R: Radiant Emerald
Sonic Advance: Ice Mountain
Sonic Advance 2: Sky Canyon
Sonic Advance 3: Twinkle Snow
Sonic 3D Blast: Diamond Dust
Sonic Drift: Labyrinth
Sonic Drift 2: Mystic Cave
Sonic Riders: White Cave
Sonic The Fighters: Magic Carpet

I didn't list some ON PURPOSE.

Offline ChaoRC

Re: Whats your Favorite Stage in every Sonic game you have played/owned?
« Reply #13 on: November 28, 2007, 09:14:26 pm »
Sonic 1: Starlite
Sonic 2: Between Mystic Cave and Oil Ocean for their diverseness
Sonic CD: Stardust Speedway
Sonic 3: Hydro City
Sonic & Knuckles: Between Mushroom Hill and Lava Reef
Chaotix: Isolated Island (does the intro stage count?)
Sonic 1: Didn't like any of them...?
Sonic 2: Green Hill
Sonic Chaos: Gigapolis
Triple Trouble: Robotnik Winter
Game Boy Advance/DS-
Sonic 1- Egg Rocket (it was the only stage that exceeded 2 mins. to complete) x_x
Sonic 2- Music Plant <3
Sonic 3- Cyber Chase
Sonic Batte- Holy Summit or Club Rouge
Rush- Water Palace
Sonic R- Radiant Emerald
SA1- Ice Cap... I'm not sure
Sonic- City Escape
Shadow- Sky Rail
Tails- ...
Eggman- Iron Gate or Cosmic Wall
Knuckles- Aquatic Mine
Rouge- Dry Lagoon or Mad Space, but I liked all of Rouge's stages
SH- Frog Forest or Hang Castle
ShtH- :/ Hated it, don't remember any
Riders: SEGA Carnival/ SEGA Illusion

That's all I got

EDIT: Forgot a few
« Last Edit: November 28, 2007, 09:26:50 pm by ChaoRC »

Offline KnucklesSonic8

Re: Whats your Favorite Stage in every Sonic game you have played/owned?
« Reply #14 on: November 29, 2007, 07:44:42 pm »
I'm surprised the spectacle that is Sega Carnival wasnt mentioned earlier...

Also, theres something about Frog Forest that makes me like it but Grand Metropolis=win. Has one of the best stage themes too, imo.

S06- Wave Ocean. Surprise, surprise. But White Acropolis is AMAZING. The music is stellar also.

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Re: Whats your Favorite Stage in every Sonic game you have played/owned?
« Reply #15 on: December 04, 2007, 10:44:45 am »
Sonic 1: Starlight
Sonic 2: Chemical Plant
Sonic 3: Launch Base
Sonic & Knuckles: Lava Reef
Sonic 3D: Gene Gadget
Sonic Adventure DX: Sky Deck
Sonic Heroes: Bullet Station
Sonic Riders: Green Cave

Don't ask me about the Game Gear games, haven't put much thought into those....
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Re: Whats your Favorite Stage in every Sonic game you have played/owned?
« Reply #16 on: December 09, 2007, 02:57:18 am »
Sonic 1: Green Hill
Sonic 2: Chemical Plant
Sonic 3: Hydrocity
Sonic and Knuckles: Sky Sanctuary/Death Egg
Sonic Adventure: Emerald Coast
Sonic Adventure 2: Metal Harbor
Sonic Heroes: Seaside Hill
Shadow: Westopolis
Sonic Riders: Most of them

That'll do.
W€£ $€ÄÑ¥ ßÕ¥ 2K7 says: (11:10:17 PM)
my sis said she fancied EGGMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

W€£ $€ÄÑ¥ ßÕ¥ 2K7 says: (11:29:08 PM)
who knew u could bend water with plastic

Offline FoxLuc

Re: Whats your Favorite Stage in every Sonic game you have played/owned?
« Reply #17 on: January 12, 2008, 11:02:28 am »
Sonic 1 : Star Light
Sonic 2 : Emerald Hill
Sonic 3 : Azure Lake ;) and Marble Garden
Sonic & Knuckles : Mushroom Hill
Sonic 3D : Volcano Valley
Sonic 1 (GG) : Sky Base
Sonic 2 (GG) : Green Hill
The only thing that can stop us is flat tire.

Re: Whats your Favorite Stage in every Sonic game you have played/owned?
« Reply #18 on: March 07, 2008, 01:59:55 am »
Sonic 1: Labyrinth Zone
Sonic 2: Chemical Plant Zone
Sonic 3: Launch Base Zone
Sonic & Knuckles: Lava Reef Zone
Sonic 3D Blast: Volcano Valley
SADX: Speed Highway
SA2: Radical Highway/Mad Space (can't choose)
Heroes: Final Fortress
Shadow: The Last Way
Sonic '06: Crisis City

That's all I got for now.

Offline MrNomad

Re: Whats your Favorite Stage in every Sonic game you have played/owned?
« Reply #19 on: May 28, 2008, 01:08:13 am »
Sonic 1:Marble Zone

Sonic 2: Mystic Cave zone (I think its called?

Sonic 3: The stage after the Ice one with the awesome bgm

S & K: The stage that has the master emerald in it

Sonic Adventure: Speed Highway

Sonic Adventure 2: Hard to choose, so may I like. For Sonic, has to be Green Forest. Shadow, Final Chase. Knuckles, Meteor Herd. Rouge, Egg Chamber. Tails, Mission Street, and Eggman Cosmic Wall. And Chao adventure :p

Sonic Heroes: Haunted Mansion zone.

Sonic Advance 2: The fire mountain zone one.

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Re: Whats your Favorite Stage in every Sonic game you have played/owned?
« Reply #20 on: May 28, 2008, 08:12:00 am »
Sonic Advance 2: The fire mountain zone one.


Haven't you played Sonic Advance yet? :(
Fail collection: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
:o - :O - X) - :D

Offline MrNomad

Re: Whats your Favorite Stage in every Sonic game you have played/owned?
« Reply #21 on: May 28, 2008, 11:25:23 am »
Sonic Advance 2: The fire mountain zone one.


Haven't you played Sonic Advance yet? :(
I have, but I dont have it on my gba, nor  do I like it as much as Sonic Advance 2. I'm talking about the 2nd zone after the 1st one > >

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Re: Whats your Favorite Stage in every Sonic game you have played/owned?
« Reply #22 on: May 28, 2008, 01:20:12 pm »
Sonic Advance 2: The fire mountain zone one.


Haven't you played Sonic Advance yet? :(
I have, but I dont have it on my gba, nor  do I like it as much as Sonic Advance 2. I'm talking about the 2nd zone after the 1st one > >
I believe you mean Hot Crater >_>  Also a "fire mountain" is called a "volcano" round these parts >_> >_>

Also also you are wrong, for the best levels are clearly Ice Paradise 2 and Sky Canyon 2.
This topic has now been officially won by me.  Never mind, you might do better next time! - it's in the intarwebs, it must be true!

Offline MrNomad

Re: Whats your Favorite Stage in every Sonic game you have played/owned?
« Reply #23 on: May 28, 2008, 02:02:40 pm »
Sonic Advance 2: The fire mountain zone one.


Haven't you played Sonic Advance yet? :(
I have, but I dont have it on my gba, nor  do I like it as much as Sonic Advance 2. I'm talking about the 2nd zone after the 1st one > >
I believe you mean Hot Crater >_>  Also a "fire mountain" is called a "volcano" round these parts >_> >_>

Also also you are wrong, for the best levels are clearly Ice Paradise 2 and Sky Canyon 2.
No you are wrong, for everything stated as a "favorite stage" is an opinion and therefore cannot be the "best" stage. And fire mountain, volcano, same thing, no need to dive into pointless side notes > >

Offline douglas

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Re: Whats your Favorite Stage in every Sonic game you have played/owned?
« Reply #24 on: May 28, 2008, 03:54:29 pm »
Sonic Advance 2: The fire mountain zone one.


Haven't you played Sonic Advance yet? :(
I have, but I dont have it on my gba, nor  do I like it as much as Sonic Advance 2. I'm talking about the 2nd zone after the 1st one > >
I believe you mean Hot Crater >_>  Also a "fire mountain" is called a "volcano" round these parts >_> >_>

Also also you are wrong, for the best levels are clearly Ice Paradise 2 and Sky Canyon 2.
No you are wrong, for everything stated as a "favorite stage" is an opinion and therefore cannot be the "best" stage. And fire mountain, volcano, same thing, no need to dive into pointless side notes > >
Ah, but clearly my opinion is infallible and therefore everyone else is wrong when they disagree with me.  It's okay, I forgive you - you're only human.
This topic has now been officially won by me.  Never mind, you might do better next time! - it's in the intarwebs, it must be true!

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Re: Whats your Favorite Stage in every Sonic game you have played/owned?
« Reply #25 on: May 28, 2008, 07:07:40 pm »
Hur hur doug almost said phallus.
Did you not think I had a mind?

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Re: Whats your Favorite Stage in every Sonic game you have played/owned?
« Reply #26 on: May 28, 2008, 07:08:35 pm »
If that's the case so did Mike.
Many times.
The moon is so red. Looks like it's going to be a fun night.

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Re: Whats your Favorite Stage in every Sonic game you have played/owned?
« Reply #27 on: May 28, 2008, 08:29:07 pm »
Sonic Advance 2: The fire mountain zone one.


Haven't you played Sonic Advance yet? :(
I have, but I dont have it on my gba, nor  do I like it as much as Sonic Advance 2. I'm talking about the 2nd zone after the 1st one > >
I believe you mean Hot Crater >_>  Also a "fire mountain" is called a "volcano" round these parts >_> >_>

Also also you are wrong, for the best levels are clearly Ice Paradise 2 and Sky Canyon 2.
No you are wrong, for everything stated as a "favorite stage" is an opinion and therefore cannot be the "best" stage. And fire mountain, volcano, same thing, no need to dive into pointless side notes > >
Ah, but clearly my opinion is infallible and therefore everyone else is wrong when they disagree with me.  It's okay, I forgive you - you're only human.
But I thought it was Chuck Norris who was always right? Unless o_o!!
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Re: Whats your Favorite Stage in every Sonic game you have played/owned?
« Reply #28 on: May 28, 2008, 08:30:58 pm »
What is this o_o!! you speak of, mortal
The moon is so red. Looks like it's going to be a fun night.

Offline finalrush7_

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Re: Whats your Favorite Stage in every Sonic game you have played/owned?
« Reply #29 on: October 19, 2009, 07:52:29 am »
*one and a half year later*
not my fault I got nothing to do at work.. <_< anyway, here we go:

Sonic 1: Green Hill Act 1
Sonic 2: Hill Top Zone Act 1
Sonic 3: Angel Island Act 1
Sonic & Knuckles: Flying Battery Act 2
SADX: Speed Highway
SA2B: FINAL RUSH - favorite level
Heroes: Seaside Hill
Shadow: Space Gadget
Sonic '06: Crisis City/Wave Ocean - best looking Sonic stages ever
SSR: Prologue <_<
SBK: they all sucked <_<
SAdv: Neo Green Hill Act 1
SAdv2: Sky Canyon Act 2 - best 2D stage EVAR
SAdv3: Route 99 Act 1 - everything else pretty much sucked..
SRush: Water Palace Act 1
SRA: Plant Kingdom Act 2
SRiders: Sand Ruins
SU360: Adabat Day Act 1 - also awesome looking

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